Are you bored chasing your friends to go on a trek or backpacking to a European city with you? If your answer is yes, it is time to take the leap, my friend, and head on a solo adventure. 

I went on my first solo adventure back in 2018, I was a bit anxious, but it went away as soon as I landed in Bangalore. That trip helped me understand what I truly love about travel. Plus, it allowed me to travel on my terms and do things I like. I love traveling with friends and family. However, this opened a new door that made me more independent and confident.

Consider your first solo trip an ice-breaker for your many amazing ones in the future. Traveling solo in a foreign land can be scary, even if it is your neighboring city. But, through good planning and motivation, it can be the most fun adventure you will ever have.

Tip 1: Make up your mind

The first and most crucial step is to convince yourself. Sometimes it is easy to think about a solo adventure. But when the time comes, we tend to chicken out. However, motivational self-talk might do the trick. Try to analyze your concerns, write them down on paper, and start planning accordingly. When I planned my trip to Morocco, my two biggest concerns were sleeping alone and the language barrier. The second one was easy to solve by learning a few words that came in handy. However, the first one required some motivation and the rest is history.

Tip 2: Get your parents on board with this idea

There are a lot of social stigmas attached to solo travel, especially if you are a woman. Therefore, getting your parents (or family) on board is necessary for your peace of mind. It is essential to have them on the same page and believe that it is not a bad thing to travel alone but merely a lifestyle choice. It took about six months to convince my mom to get on board with my solo trip to Morocco. The process involved several heated arguments and peaceful discussions. I empathized with her concerns about my safety and took measures accordingly by providing her with my hotel details, itinerary and local number as soon as I reached Morocco. Moreover, during my trip, I stayed in touch with her through calls, photos, activity details, and location. This way, we both were happy and satisfied.

Tip 3: Find the right destination for your Solo Trip


Not all places are safe for solo travel, especially for female travelers. Therefore, finding the right destination is crucial. Thoroughly research the place you want to visit before booking. The internet is a blessing, loaded with good content created by users that can help you decide your destination. Watch/ read about the experiences and learn from them. You can also connect with local influencers to learn about the city you want to visit and plan the itinerary accordingly. It will give you a realistic view of the place and help avoid the hassle. Check out these Ten great destinations for solo female travel.

Tip 4: Find Apps that will make your travel better

Every country has a bunch of mobile apps that the locals use for their daily activities, from payment to commuting. Find these apps before your trip to make your journey smoother. It will not only allow you to avoid engaging with locals unnecessarily but also help you avoid overspending. For example, when I traveled to Singapore, I downloaded their local taxi app Grab, which helped me avoid paying extra for my taxi rides. I also bought a bus pass that saved time and money. Here are 6 Indian Apps to help you travel better, save money and avoid scams.

Tip 5: Keep multiple copies of your documents

Traveling abroad involves a lot of documentation. Therefore, keeping multiple copies of your documents is essential as it is better to be safe than sorry in a foreign land. Carry a physical copy of the papers and keep the digital copies handy. Moreover, share the digital ones with at least one of your family members in case of an emergency. Keep your cash in multiple locations and not just in your wallet.

Tip 6: Do more guided walking tours on your solo trip


Walking tours can be fun as it allows you to connect with locals and meet fellow travelers. I always prefer taking guided walking tours to get an inside scoop on the place and cafe recommendations to avoid tourist traps. Plus, it helps you safely navigate via maze-like places like Chandni Chowk in India or Medinas in Morocco.

I hope this blog post gives you enough motivation and knowledge to plan your first solo trip, and do share your experience in the comments and more tips for first-time solo travelers.


Meenakshi is a designer by profession and traveller by heart. Photography is something that she cherishes and goes on a Click! Click! Click! spree wherever she goes.

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